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$150.00 Bundle-0001 Learn to observe and define various eye movements that may be seen during the examination of patients with complaints of dizziness and imbalance. This course is perfect for beginner and intermediate vestibular clinicians--or those just interested... | |||||
$150.00 Bundle-0001 Vestibular migraine is one of the most common causes of episodic vertigo. Both vestibular migraine and Meniere’s Disease are complex conditions that manifest with a variety of overlapping symptoms including bouts of severe vertigo, nausea, and... | |||||
$150.00 Differential Diagnosis of Vestibular Disorders (VF-0008)This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the complex world of vestibular pathology. Designed for healthcare professionals in audiology, neurology, physical therapy, and related fields, this course equips participants with the knowledge... |